Thursday, June 24, 2010

Long Island Artworks - Call to Artists

Here is an instance in which Long Islander’s altruism and interest in art and the sea can also benefit the "National Wildlife Federation” and "Save Our Seabirds" in the present Gulf of Mexico oil leak emergency.

If you are interested in contributing work on paper contact Megan Sirianni-Brand through LI Artworks in facebook -

All artwork will be sold for $50 each.
Checks payable to - "National Wildlife Federation” or"Save our seabirds" ONLY -
100% of the proceeds will be donated to National Wildlife Federation

Artists are invited to contribute their work (maximum 24 X 24”, no frame), and all are invited to purchase the artwork of their choice from among those donations, and to enjoy the good feeling that one gets from “LIArtworks.”

Delivery for ARTWORK - Deadline Aug.12th 2010
All work should be sent to -

100 15 Ave Corp.
100 15th Ave
Sea Cliff NY 11579

Day of event - Exhibition and sale to be held at -

The Metropolitan Bistro
39 Roslyn Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579

Saturday: August 14 - 2-6 PM

Thank you. from, Megan
For any questions please go to our FB page LI Artworks or

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